Homesteading Life

Homesteading articles about Life on the Homestead pertaining to homesteaders, family, farming, animal husbandry, history, and myriad other topics discussed at, collected over two decades from experienced homesteaders who know what they’re talking about.

Latest Homesteading Life News

Keeping Skunks at Bay

Anyone old enough to remember the classic Looney Tunes cartoons is familiar…

Jo Ann Abell Jo Ann Abell

Easy as Pie: The Myth of Simple Living

To a generation who grew up on Lassie, Little House on the…

Sheri Dixon Sheri Dixon

Permaculture: The Truly Sustainable Way of Life

What is Permaculture? Permanent agriculture.  A system for feeding and caring for…

Karyn Sweet Karyn Sweet

Signpost to Simplicity: Wanda Urbanska Points the Way

If you have a television, you’ve probably seen the PBS series, Simple…

Barbara Bamberger-Scott Barbara Bamberger-Scott

Baking Bread from Home Milled Flour

For some baking bread is an art, for some a hobby, while…

Samuel Feldman Samuel Feldman

Gilliard Farms: Snapshots in Time from Black Farmers in America

Down on the southern Georgia coast, there was a time when you…

Barbara Bamberger-Scott Barbara Bamberger-Scott

Wintertime on the Homestead

Snow, ice, sleet, and wind.  Darkness at 4 p.m., rock-hard ground, frozen…

April Freeman April Freeman

Burnout on the Homestead: It’s Not All for Everyone

Nobody’s life is without challenges.  But we homesteaders are among the demographic…

Kathy Bernier Kathy Bernier

Realize Your Resolutions

Happy New Year, Homesteader! Another year is behind us, a fresh slate…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Helpful Homestead Hacks: Work Easier, Relax Harder

Homesteading can be tough, but there are tips and tricks—hacks—for any area…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Making Small-batch Maple Syrup on the Homestead

When my kids were little, someone gave me a recipe for maple-flavored…

May Woodworth May Woodworth

Homestead Gift-giving Guide: The Best Gifts for Homesteaders

I remember at least one of my Christmas gifts from 1970.  I…

Doug Smith Doug Smith