Top 10 Best Egg-Laying Chicken Breeds

For many people, the main incentive of raising chickens in the backyard is a fresh supply of eggs. I still remember the joy of picking fresh eggs from my chicken’s nesting boxes for the first time! But one thing that most beginners don't know about is that the breed of chicken you get makes a huge impact on the number of…

Michael Feldmann Michael Feldmann

Enzymes for Plants: The Secret to Boosting Harvests and Blooms

A great secret to a thriving garden, enzymes make nutrients in the soil more available for plants to use. They are sometimes used as an ingredient in expensive plant sprays and fertilizers in gardening stores and catalogs. Though actually, these enzyme plant potions are simple to make at home. The recipes were given to me by a friend, who worked…

Samuel Feldman Samuel Feldman

Roosters A Plenty

When I moved to this two-acre croft in Iowa, just outside Iowa City, I was pleased to become part of the management of a flock of chickens.  Mostly Leghorns and Red Star hens, they have a nice little coop with tiers of nesting boxes, a fenced chook-yard (Brit-speak for chicken yard) that must be a half-acre, lots of trees, and…

Magdalena Perks Magdalena Perks
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Growing Bamboo on the Homestead

You have probably heard horror stories from someone who planted a small…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Homestead Goats: The Diversified Farm Stock

Anyone who has started or managed a homestead knows the many hours…

Regina Anneler Regina Anneler

Green Burial: The Frugal Funeral for an Ecological Eternity

We spend our lives trying to get back to our Earthly roots,…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

Soil-Making Magic: The Secret Witches’ Spell for the Perfect Garden

Springtime gardens turn into summertime weed lots. Does this happen to you? …

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

Hummingbird Bundt Cake

The annual return of the ruby-throated hummingbird from its South American winter…

Jessica Shelton Jessica Shelton

Razor’s Edge Extreme Knife Sharpening

It only took me about 40 years to learn how to really…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

Getting Started with Pigs

Below are some general guidelines for raising pigs.  This information does not…

CJ Mouser CJ Mouser

Food Content

Five Weeks from Seed to Table

Growing vegetables from seed is probably one of the greatest pleasures of…

Michael Feldmann Michael Feldmann

Early Spring Wild Edibles: It’s Time to Go Foraging!

Leaves are unfurling in the masses, enjoying the warm sun and gentle…

Cheryl Magyar Cheryl Magyar

Food Forever: Creating a Perennial Food Forest

Growing our own produce is an important part of the homesteading lifestyle.…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores