The Missouri Journal
Like a lot of people who approach middle age, I started to…
A Better Cabin, Quicker and Cheaper – Part 2
Who doesn’t long for their own piece of terra firma (or soil),…
A Better Cabin, Quicker and Cheaper – Part 1
Our Portable Building Cabin Adventure Begins Dick Proenneke is a name familiar…
Pros & Cons of Living in an Alternative Home: Steel Quonset
There’s something special about building your own home, whether you build it…
Home Winterization Anyone Can Tackle
There's something romantic or heartwarming about seeing a home in a clearing…
You Can Afford Your Homestead Dream..You May Not Recognize it at First.
Do you dream of one day owning a homestead of your own,…
Preparing the Homestead for Winter, Part One: The Buildings
Winter is a lot like death and taxes… it’s one of the…
Secrets to Turning a Rent-to-Own Storage Building into a House, Part One
In ten years on my homestead, I have built many buildings from…
Got Shelter in the Bag? Earthbag Homes on the Homestead
So, you’ve finally found the perfect land to homestead. It’s got everything:…
Homesteading in an 1870s English Crofter’s Cottage
I live in a Victorian crofter’s cottage, or homesteading farm cottage, in…
So, You Want to Live Off Grid, Eh?
Today's hottest trend is off-grid living; unplug, disconnect, and get back to…
Simple Solar Projects
Solar power is sweeping the nation and for good reason. Solar energy…