Tag: Homesteading

Top 10 Best Egg-Laying Chicken Breeds

For many people, the main incentive of raising chickens in the backyard…

Michael Feldmann Michael Feldmann

Enzymes for Plants: The Secret to Boosting Harvests and Blooms

A great secret to a thriving garden, enzymes make nutrients in the…

Samuel Feldman Samuel Feldman

Roosters A Plenty

When I moved to this two-acre croft in Iowa, just outside Iowa…

Magdalena Perks Magdalena Perks

Keeping Skunks at Bay

Anyone old enough to remember the classic Looney Tunes cartoons is familiar…

Jo Ann Abell Jo Ann Abell

Summer Vegetable Baked Ziti

I had a cooking show on the TV in the background, as…

Jessica Shelton Jessica Shelton

Five Weeks from Seed to Table

Growing vegetables from seed is probably one of the greatest pleasures of…

Michael Feldmann Michael Feldmann

Garden Planning Made Easy: Two DIY Garden Planners

In the tens of thousands of years that people have cultivated the…

Magdalena Alvarez Magdalena Alvarez

Hydroponic Gardening for Anyone, Anywhere

Hydroponic gardening is not new, but it has seen an increase in…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Early Spring Wild Edibles: It’s Time to Go Foraging!

Leaves are unfurling in the masses, enjoying the warm sun and gentle…

Cheryl Magyar Cheryl Magyar

A Practical Guide For Controlling Technology

I’m an off-grid homesteader, which means I come from a pretty extreme…

Wren Everett Wren Everett

Soil-Making Magic: The Secret Witches’ Spell for the Perfect Garden

Springtime gardens turn into summertime weed lots. Does this happen to you? …

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly

6 Tips for Dividing Perennials in the Spring

Perennials offer great value in the flower or shade garden. These plants…

Jackson Perkins Jackson Perkins