
Homesteading articles about Land as it pertains to homesteaders, farming, animal husbandry, gardening, and myriad other topics discussed at, collected over two decades from experienced homesteaders who know what they’re talking about.

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Keeping Skunks at Bay

Anyone old enough to remember the classic Looney Tunes cartoons is familiar…

Jo Ann Abell Jo Ann Abell

Making The Most Of Shade: Plan, Plant, and Grow a Shade Garden

How to plan, plant, and grow a fabulous garden that lightens up…

Michael Feldmann Michael Feldmann

Grave Matters: About That Old Cemetery on the Back 40…

A few years ago, my husband and I spent our weekends driving…

Jo Ann Abell Jo Ann Abell

Bream, Bass, & Butterflies: Building Multi-use Ponds on the Homestead

Now here’s a picture for you...  Imagine looking out over a small…

Ed Mashburn Ed Mashburn

Bats & Guano: Gifts From the Garden Gods

Say the words feces, scat, feculence, crap, caca, and a shovel-full of…

Alan Ray Alan Ray

Throwing in the Towel: How to Move to the Country Fast and Cheap

"For I, methinks, till I grow old, As fair before me shall…

Neil Shelton Neil Shelton

Wintertime on the Homestead

Snow, ice, sleet, and wind.  Darkness at 4 p.m., rock-hard ground, frozen…

April Freeman April Freeman

Homestead Woodlot Management

You might suspect that when you say farewell to the bright lights…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

You Can Afford Your Homestead Dream..You May Not Recognize it at First.

Do you dream of one day owning a homestead of your own,…

Tony Colella Tony Colella

Black Walnuts: Pennies From Heaven

Here at Exclamation Pointe, autumn is a tranquil time when the subtle…

Neil Shelton Neil Shelton

Seed Heads Provide Food for Wildlife and Decorate the Winter Landscape

Once the last blazing maple leaf has floated to the ground and…

Jo Ann Abell Jo Ann Abell

The Pawpaw: America’s Secret Native Fruit

Ozark banana. Quaker delight. Asimoya. Hillbilly mango. This relatively obscure fruit goes by…

Allyson Ernst Allyson Ernst