Homesteading Life

Homesteading articles about Life on the Homestead pertaining to homesteaders, family, farming, animal husbandry, history, and myriad other topics discussed at, collected over two decades from experienced homesteaders who know what they’re talking about.

Latest Homesteading Life News

Michelle, the Boschvelder Hen, and Her Guinea Keets

Growing up, I remember my mother always having Guinea fowl feathers in…

Basement Bunnies and Grow-box Gardening: The Challenges of Urban Homesteading

Tammy Curry greeted me with fresh homemade bread, slathered with butter, and…

Barbara Bamberger-Scott Barbara Bamberger-Scott

Adventures of Becoming a Backwoods Girl: Bugs, Guns, Dogs, and Fire, Oh My…

I decided when going back to college that I would major in…

Lacey Thacker Lacey Thacker

Giving up the Grocery Store: Becoming Increasingly Self-Sufficient in a Practical Way

2020 was a changing point in my life that I didn’t realize…

Caitlin Elicker Caitlin Elicker

Homesteading Failures – If at First You Don’t Succeed, Don’t Worry, No One Else Does Either.

Anyone who claims to succeed without some measure of homesteading failure first…

Magdalena Perks Magdalena Perks

10 Old-Fashioned Homesteading Skills for Self-Sufficiency

What does it mean to be self-sufficient? For some, it might mean…

Jenny Clark Jenny Clark

Homesteading in Appalachia

Rugged, self-sufficient, fiercely loyal – despite stereotypes to the contrary, the Appalachian…

Karyn Sweet Karyn Sweet

The Single Girl’s Guide to Buying a Homestead

If I were to just say the word “homestead” what would you…

Allyson Ernst Allyson Ernst

Avoiding Homestead Burnout

Having been blessed with an adventurous life, I have learned to avoid…

Adrianne Masters Adrianne Masters

From Suburbanites to Homesteaders: Why We Moved to the Country and What We Found When We Got There

Before moving to the country, my husband, Troy, and I were part…

Laura Bittle Laura Bittle

Homesteader on Wheels: Living with M.S. Doesn’t Mean the End of a Dream.

As I sit here at the kitchen door, holding Maddie (my African…

Kamella Traynham Kamella Traynham

How a Blizzard and a Cow Fed Grandpa’s Family

My dad grew up in a big family, with eight kids.  He…

Gail Jackson Gail Jackson