
Homesteading articles about Community as it pertains to homesteaders, farming, animal husbandry, gardening, and myriad other topics discussed at, collected over two decades from experienced homesteaders who know what they’re talking about.

Latest Community News

Bowery Farming: An Interview with Co-Founder and CEO Irving Fain

When Irving Fain started Bowery Farms he had a dream; to provide…

Alan Ray Alan Ray

Giving Back To Your Community

By the time we get through Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Check Out These Seeds! Grow Hardy Plants and Preserve the Food Chain with a Seed Library

Grow Hardy Plants and Preserve the Food Chain with a Seed Library…

Kathy Kish Kathy Kish

Keep More Cash in Your Wallet by Bartering

During the economic recession in the early ‘70s, I was a stay-at-home…

Jo Ann Abell Jo Ann Abell

Finding Community on the Homestead: Your People are Out There.

Homesteading can be a solitary affair and finding community on the homestead…

Prospering Together — Cooperation, Not Competition

Are you living a prosperous life?  Do you consider yourself a success? …

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Country Neighbors

When we first bought the land that would one day become Ivy…

Sue Dick Sue Dick

Redefining Neighborhoods Back on the Land

It has been speculated that until recent history, around the 1600-1700s, Western…

Homestead Tech: Where’s my Signal?

  In the 1960’s TV series Green Acres, the main character “Oliver”, who…

Anthony Okrongly Anthony Okrongly