Tag: Homesteading

Green Burial: The Frugal Funeral for an Ecological Eternity

We spend our lives trying to get back to our Earthly roots,…

Doug Smith Doug Smith

The Farmer, Civilization, and Liberty

Civilization began with farming. Artisans, traders, philosophers, and scientists and the historians…

Alexander Craig Alexander Craig

Growing Bamboo on the Homestead

You have probably heard horror stories from someone who planted a small…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

Homestead Goats: The Diversified Farm Stock

Anyone who has started or managed a homestead knows the many hours…

Regina Anneler Regina Anneler

Rabbit Stew, or Rabbits, too? Raising Meat Rabbits (Maybe)

My guy, Larry, wanted to make rabbit stew.  After searching in our…

May Woodworth May Woodworth

Backyard Garden Dreamin’

Would you like to create an edible landscape? Some individuals are turning…

Dorothy Rieke Dorothy Rieke

Mexican Meatloaf

Meatloaf wasn't something we Shelton kids had much of growing up.  A…

Jessica Shelton Jessica Shelton

Making The Most Of Shade: Plan, Plant, and Grow a Shade Garden

How to plan, plant, and grow a fabulous garden that lightens up…

Michael Feldmann Michael Feldmann

Hummingbird Bundt Cake

The annual return of the ruby-throated hummingbird from its South American winter…

Jessica Shelton Jessica Shelton

Getting Started with Pigs

Below are some general guidelines for raising pigs.  This information does not…

CJ Mouser CJ Mouser

Food Forever: Creating a Perennial Food Forest

Growing our own produce is an important part of the homesteading lifestyle.…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores

The Case for Homeschooling on the Homestead

Many become homesteaders to experience the freedom that comes from living according…

Jenny Flores Jenny Flores