The Secret of Inpangela: Guinea Fowl are Strong Magic for Your Homestead
Man does not live by egg alone. While we may keep chickens…
Pick the Perfect Poultry for Your Homestead: A Beginner’s Guide
Whether you want eggs, meat, or your own petting zoo, there's a…
Michelle, the Boschvelder Hen, and Her Guinea Keets
Growing up, I remember my mother always having Guinea fowl feathers in…
Basement Bunnies and Grow-box Gardening: The Challenges of Urban Homesteading
Tammy Curry greeted me with fresh homemade bread, slathered with butter, and…
Guinea Fowl: Something Different in the Garden
An exotic and perhaps odd-looking breed of poultry, the Guinea Fowl, is…
Miracle Guineas: The Book Was Wrong
“Daggonit! The book said I could move the eggs! It said I…
Surrogate Mother Hens
The iconic image of a mother hen, clucking gently to a clutch…
Raising Chickens… From Scratch
The first livestock most new homesteaders bring home to the farm are…
The Unsung Benefits of Homesteading (There’s a Perfectly Good Reason for the Egg in My Pocket.)
Oh sure, we all know the perks of growing our own food,…
Hatching Plans for Baby Poultry: A Hatching How-To
Mail order chicks are a great way to start a new flock…
How to Grow a Food Forest in Five Years
In times of uncertainty such as these, becoming as self-sufficient as you…
Mice: Scourge of the Homestead
When I was discussing options with my insurance agent, I asked if…