Soil Health

Soil Mineralization According to The Intelligent Gardener

Once upon a time, there was a Garden Guru named Steve Solomon, who grew loads and loads of fresh produce,…

2 months ago

Bats & Guano: Gifts From the Garden Gods

Say the words feces, scat, feculence, crap, caca, and a shovel-full of other euphemisms and you would be describing pretty…

3 months ago

Ruth Stout: The No-Dig Duchess

In the early 1980s, I went to Sussex, England to study small-scale agriculture at a Rudolf Steiner center called Emerson…

4 months ago

Look to the Weeds: Using Weeds as Soil Indicators

Gardeners and farmers constantly battle with weeds, but they can have a useful purpose. We should be using weeds as…

1 year ago

Soil-Making Magic: The Secret Witches’ Spell for the Perfect Garden

Springtime gardens turn into summertime weed lots. Does this happen to you?  You till and dig, bring in dirt or…

2 years ago