Martina Kuhnert

Miracle Guineas: The Book Was Wrong

“Daggonit!  The book said I could move the eggs!  It said I could move the eggs, and put her in…

2 years ago

Relief for Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and Poison Sumac: The Poisonous Triplets

"Oh My Heavens! It's in My Bellybutton!" Taming the Poisonous Triplets The worst place I ever got poison ivy was…

2 years ago

Hunting Marvelous Merkels: Gathering Morel Mushrooms

Where I come from there are three topics that are impossible for the locals to tell the truth about: buck,…

2 years ago

Black Gold: Make Your Own Natural Charcoal

We haven’t set the mountain on fire... yet.  But it is always a possibility, of which we are acutely aware,…

2 years ago

What to Do When Your Well Gets Sick

Imagine that you are outside working in your garden.  You have been out since 6:30 a.m., and now that cool…

3 years ago

Two Parents, a Kid, and One Tiny Cabin

“Yeah that Laura Ingalls Wilder, her sisters and their parents all living in a tiny cabin were weird, weren’t they? …

4 years ago