The Journey: Farmyard to Freezer
When we first moved to our farm, we purchased two Duroc barrows…
Preparing the Homestead for Winter, Part Three: The Animals
Preparing the Homestead for Winter, Part One: The Buildings Preparing the Homestead…
Predator Proofing the Place (Or as Close as One Can Come)
It was the morning of January 4th, 2007, here in the Rockies…
Building Community Through Bartering and Trading
Think back to your grandparents, or maybe your great-grandparents and the stories…
My Guardian Donkey: Burden of Beasts
Here on Ivy Hill Farm, there are two epochs: BC (Before Clara)…
Half-Caff Country: A Chicken Comedy
Half-caff. You coffee drinkers know the term. It’s not quite the "real"…
Raising Animals That May Try to Eat You: A Pastured Pigs Experience
Early in our farming venture, the first year we kept pastured pigs…
Tips for Starting a CSA, Successfully
Many people begin homesteading as a way to escape the rat race…
Mice: Scourge of the Homestead
When I was discussing options with my insurance agent, I asked if…
Icelandic Sheep: Triple-purpose Breed
One of the oldest and most luxurious wool breeds of sheep is…
From Beets to Beef: A Vegetarian’s Journey to Raising Beef Cattle
At the young and impressionable age of twenty, I read the book…
Farm Dogs: See Spot Work
Most farms have at least one dog hanging around, and that…