Garden Season Extenders and Cold-Weather Husbandry
It may seem strange to think about cold weather when it is…
Rabbit Stew, or Rabbits, too? Raising Meat Rabbits (Maybe)
My guy, Larry, wanted to make rabbit stew. After searching in our…
Imperfectly Priceless Pets: Shelter Rescues on the Homestead
Not all pets are perfect. Some have physical limitations and disabilities. They…
Basement Bunnies and Grow-box Gardening: The Challenges of Urban Homesteading
Tammy Curry greeted me with fresh homemade bread, slathered with butter, and…
Multi-purpose Chicken Tractors
Our poultry tractors used to sit dormant in between bird batches, now…
Raising Meat Rabbits: Lessons Learned Back to Front
If you have never raised rabbits for meat, here is your no-BS…
Homestead Besieged!
Modern homesteading is difficult. Rabbits love tender garden sprouts; every wild thing…
Rabbits, Rabbits Everywhere (And Look at All That Hair!)
Raising Angora Rabbits for Fur Do you ever wonder if you have…
Raising Rabbits: Like Pulling Food Out of a Hat
Everyone has a few memories of Elmer Fudd out hunting “wabbits” during…
Heritage Breeds on the Homestead: Oldies, but Goodies
The dream of coming back to basics, down to our roots, and…
Angora Rabbits: The Wool Industry’s Pride and Joy
It’s no secret that the world’s softest garment fiber comes from a…
Cage-Free Rabbits: Fertilizer in Motion
I have always wanted to raise rabbits as a healthy meat addition…